
California Employment Lawyer Blog


How Far Does an Employer’s Duty to Accommodate a Disabled Employee Extend and How Much Can Employers Rely On the “Undue Hardship” Defense.

In the case of Nadaf-Rahrov v. Neiman Marcus 166 Cal.App.4th at 952, a California Court of Appeal reversed the trial judge’s decision which had held that an employer “was not required to wait indefinitely for [the employee’s] medical condition to improve” so that she could perform an available job. Plaintiff…


Fakhimi & Associates in association with other counsel settles trucking overtime class action.

Attorneys of Fakhimi & Associates along with other co-counsel and associated counsel were able to reach a settlement agreement on a class action on behalf of truckers working for a central California company hauling petroleum products. The settlement provides for payment of a lump sum to be distributed between all…


Attorney’s Fees and their Propriety in Litigation.

Many critiques, especially those who represent employers, argue that statute which make the prevailing employees entitled to attorney’s fees should be amended as such laws promote litigation. I disagree! Major corporations and most businesses have lawyers on staff or retainer and at the first indication of litigation they will unleash…

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