The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a gender employment lawsuit against Wal-Mart in what has become the largest class-action employment lawsuit in U.S. history. Our San Bernardino discrimination attorneys understand the challenges faced by employees of big-box stores and other large retailers. Wal-Mart has grown to become the…
Articles Posted in Class Action
Restaurant Servers and Their Rights
Servers working in restaurants, especially the larger and busier chains, need to know their rights when it comes to overtime, rest and meal breaks and compensation paid to other employees. A practice that is somewhat prevalent in the industry is the requirement that servers pay a portion of the wages…
Fakhimi & Associates in association with other counsel settles trucking overtime class action.
Attorneys of Fakhimi & Associates along with other co-counsel and associated counsel were able to reach a settlement agreement on a class action on behalf of truckers working for a central California company hauling petroleum products. The settlement provides for payment of a lump sum to be distributed between all…
Why I Still Believe in Class Actions
Class Actions as a tool of addressing legal matters and class action lawyers as a whole have been the subject of much attack and criticism by the business industry and some in the media for the past decade or so. The criticism has also made its way into the halls…